Cloud Tools

Azure Portal and Application Insights

The Azure Portal enables developers to publish web sites and apps to the cloud. Application Insights, which ships inside the Azure Portal, delivers analytics on cloud-enabled applications. I designed the first version of Application Insights from the ground up, then produced conceptual designs for the next version. One of the design challenges with these products has been that the Azure platform is very restrictive. 

Service Profiler

Service Profiler is a web-based diagnostic tool that helps troubleshoot "long-tail" performance problems on a server. I designed the whole tool, designed and built the front end for the marketing site, and created the brand. 


.NET helps you create mobile, desktop, and web applications that run on Windows. I supported the .NET teams at Microsoft, which included consolidating and redesigning a suite of .NET and .NET core sites into a cohesive story. I also worked with the .NET teams to evolve their brand.