Jonathan Kevin Wall | Product Design Manager

Delivering innovative and insightful end-to end experiences for a broad range of products, platforms, and audiences

June 2020 – present. Product Design Manager – Unity Technologies

I built out a new team of product designers who are responsible for designing the developer experiences across the Unity platform. Together with the leadership stakeholders, I defined OKRs and rolled them out to my team. I participated in a team to create the levelling descriptors for design positions across Unity. I worked with another leads team to create the process for onboarding designers who are new to Unity. I also continue to design licensing experiences for Unity products and services.

June 2017 – June 2020. Senior UX Designer – Unity Technologies

I designed workflow, interface, and navigation for elements of many existing features and services, including the developer dashboard, the services window, the identity portal, project settings, collaboration, user account control, and the common control library. I also designed net new features and services including a merging tool to visualize differences in game assembly files, including lighting and 3D files.

September 2013 – June 2017. Senior UX Designer – Microsoft Developer Division

I designed the initial dashboard concepts in the Azure Portal including dashboard creation, management, and sharing. I designed the initial Application Insights product and produced conceptual designs for the second version. I was also chosen to participate on a team of designers to envision Microsoft’s visual language for infographics.

June 2008 – August 2013. User Experience Designer II – Microsoft Developer Division, Bing, Orchard

I envisioned and built a functioning prototype for the next version of Visual Studio Online. I also envisioned the next version of PubCenter, including interaction models, navigation, and visual design. I designed features and interface elements for Visual Studio web tools, Visual Studio browser compatibility tools, Windows developer tools, IIS, ASP.NET, and NuGet. I was the product designer for a content management app named Orchard, which was for the first open-source product at Microsoft. I also designed, and was named on the patent for, the original Azure workflow for publishing a cloud service.


  • B.A. in Art

  • St. Olaf College

Technical Skills

  • Figma

  • Sketch

  • Adobe Creative Suite

  • VSCode

  • Source control

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JavaScript

  • JQuery

  • Jira

  • Unity

  • LucidCharts

  • Miro

  • Microsoft 365


Named as one of the inventors on US Patent #9560121B2, Provisioning a Web Hosting Resource Using a Cloud Service. You can view the patent here.